Slide show

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Twenty Two

I miss you old man
Didn’t realize how much till it was too late
A family cliché taken for granted
You have gone where I can’t, for now
Sitting under the stars
Like we did decades ago
That cold brisk night in November
The snow was bigger than me
You held me in your arms
Told me stories about the stars
The warm memory flows in my veins
Memories in a bottle
The tears freeze on my cheeks
Each one burning into ice
The regret of selfish stupidity
Called you today
You didn’t answer
Know you wouldn’t but wish you could
Lifted the bottle took another swallow
It burned down my throat
Warming me inside out
Didn’t melt the ice though
The water is frozen like a mirror of heaven
Star light twinkles in the haze
The wind blows through me
It is silent except for the predators
That hunts in the gloom
The candle burns low
Going out after a time
I can see better now
I understand what must be done
We come into this life
Without mercy
We leave behind fleeting memories
Without a voice
Without eyesight
In this void that was life
Amber flows across the ice