Slide show

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Standing alone in crowd of people

Standing alone in crowds of people
Standing alone in crowds of people
Listening to conversations
Eye contact every second or so
People bump into you like a road stump
Eyes that look through you not a care in the world
Thinking were are these people from
What stage are they in their life
As they walk through you to get what they desire
Some will step on your face to climb a ladder
Not seeing the beauty of the wind as it blows the leaves
One day they may see
The beauty of the water as it slaps the shore
A bird as it glides through the air
The rain as it slide down the window pain
Or the heat rise from a coffee cup
The people stroll by in their self contempt
Disdain for everything but them selves
The blood drips down from the shelves histories memory
The pain these people cause to them selves is unbelievable
I stand alone in crowd of people
Not making eye contact for fear they may know me
As the foot steps on my clothes tell me
The screams echo in my blood stream
The thoughts are building in my skull
To scream at the top of my lungs to be heard in a wispier
The wounds of your move are still fresh in my skin
Blood shot eyes stare back at me
The floods of time run through the mountains on the prairies
To deep thoughts will break the fun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Standing on the other side looking back