Slide show

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meteor showers

Reaching for heaven
In the dancing light
Where angels cry
On the cutting edge of time
Images of cyclical dreams
In a cloudy haze
Ticking down to zero

Ten reasons to stay
Bitter taste of rain
Isolation of empty principles
Hopes reasoning approaching
Truth demands
Hues of the morning sky
Sultry taste of bitterness
Insane sounds of laughter
Between screaming silence
Rhythm pounding of water
Music in mine ear
Songs creeping to the surface

In the dancing light
Reaching for heaven
Where angels fall
On the edge
You can watch them cry
Where stars are hidden
Locked in the present for now
Meteor showers washing souls

Reaching for heaven
In the dancing light
A place on the edge of time
Locked for the present
Where angels cry
Before there descent
Burning across the sky
Meteor showers
Washing the dirt from our souls
Deciphering their screams
Cryptic sounds of silence
Tears from the clouds


Anonymous said...

Calming and bright, pictured every word

Anonymous said...

thank you