Slide show

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Over the Edge

Looking over the edge
Staring down
Wondering why
anyone would hang on

the sun shines down
casting a shadow long
warming the soul
burning the skin

hanging over the edge
wondering why
anyone would hang on
staring at the blue sky

the aroma is refreshing
marking a time line
memories of laughter
all the good times and bad

hanging over the edge
glancing down
thinking it’s not that extreme
fingers start to slip

music blasts in the distance
like a familiar stranger
rhythm dancing recall
grasping on hope

clinging on the edge
refusing to let go
fatigue sets in
on the cliffs of Hades

one finger than two
than in an instant
the music, sun and sky
twist out of control

Awake standing tall
Hades far below
Staring up into the blue
The sun reflecting off you

The aroma of coffee freshly brewed
As you step further away for Hade
And remains of Dis
Let Persephone and Pluto play
With out you

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