Slide show

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Doubt is a serpent

Doubt is a serpent that has bite
And a long memory
Slithering in gardens
Eden by any other name
Even paradise can look different
After doubt has wondered there
You can hear heart breaking
It is impossible to wait forever
Even forever must end
Ghosts of memories past
Why stop when walking through hell
Trepidation and disdain are the fangs of doubt
Engulfing souls without a gate keeper
The veneer of civilization thin
A journey to no end
With the aroma of roses in the air
MaĆ®tre d ‘for eternity
God is merciful they say
But only if you can sneak by a saint
Who has heard every line?
Even the slapstick of truth
Going back to the beginning of time
For Mortals everything is a test
Yet not every test is meant for every one
Hades had a river separating it
From the here and now
For me this is paradise
For me this is hell
All under the skies of heaven
Is that Saint a comedian?
Standing it purgatory
Only looking but never stepping in
During his off hours
Resting in an address in hell
It is impossible to wait forever
Even forever must end
We all change in time
Every mirror has two sides
Thin between love and hate
Staring into eternity
A journey to no end


Anonymous said...

This article is presently what did you say? I need, thank you.

williampwright said...

When did I say that?