Slide show

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shadow contest

The edge of forever
On the edge of time
When it seems to run low
The shadows of memories long
A random photo of a girl and boy
Took me back to when you wanted to run away
So I said I would run away with you
We had no place to go
Standing there holding hands
Cases packed with all we owned
You packed a dress and shoes
I had a cowboy hat in my hand
You said you wanted to go
I said a would give you a hand
We stood there lost
Your were five and I was six

The edge of forever
On the edge of time
When it all seems to run low
The shadows of memories long
A random photo in shadow contest
A Nameless mother looking on
Seeing her son hold his cousins hand
To a time when you wanted to run away
You packed a little suitcase
A little blue dress and black shoes
I think it was your Sunday best
I held my cowboy hat in my hand
Thinking it was cool
We stood there with no place to go
Holding hands till we were hungry
We stood there lost with mom looking on

The edge of forever
On the edge of time
When it seems to run down
In the shadows of tomorrows memories
Looking back in time’
To a faded photograph retouched
A little girl and a little boy holding hands
The shadow in front of them so very long
Distance in time matched by geographic personality
Looking through their mothers eyes
To a distant point in time
Memories different but somehow the same
Then you were fifteen and I was sixteen
You wanted to run away but I was already gone
Lost even at home
Riding a motorcycle till it broke down

on the edge of yesterday
You called to say hi on the edge of sundown
time seems to be running down
Glancing out the window to a canvas
Never to be painted
The shadows of the trees are so very long
A mother is snapping photos of her children
As they walk along a road framed by trees on either side
Maybe they will be in a photo contest
I said remember when you wanted to run away
Because we were lost with no place to go
You replied that you did, and then you were gone
Have a drink to remember but not three
Than the called ended
Memories different but the same
A little girl and a little boy walking hand in hand

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