Slide show

Friday, December 21, 2012

perfection in heaven’s sky

The perfection in heaven’s sky

The moon’s silvery touch
Kissing humanities tanned skin
Reaching gently through transparent clouds
Rippling across watery glass
Wrapped in its warm embrace
Jet streams cut the clouds
Their shadowy trails seemingly singing in silent harmony
Living in the atmosphere above infinity
Three streams trailing the wishes of humanity
Beats calling in a rhythm clinically
Sinicism of everyday
Sitting in the cooling sand
An anonymous evening
Answering questions in silence
Defining truth and honesty
Between suitable most parts
A silver moon to light the eyes
The shadows down cast in moon’s gaze
Living in a hopeful fantasy in paradise
Framed by moments of perceptible perfections
Amongst the calm waves of a windless night
Water in the sea of this hope
Reflecting light to the edge on infinity
Where will the plane land?
Before the question that will these night
Coyote calls echoing under calm urgency
Descending to the silent hunger
Not wanting the cooling sand to end
Embracing the warmth of infinity
Reflecting in honeyed tea


neil child said...

I quite like the opening lines with a direct lunar reference and the indirect (tanned) solar reference and ... is this a poem about racism?

williampwright said...

It is an observation of a beach, Buena Vista, in late July about 2 am.

neil child said...

Some beach -- where one thinks of the cynicism of everyday (your words) and where one lives in a hopeful fantasy (again, your words). I unapologeticaly declare that, indeed, this poem is about racism (your opening lines are my evidence). Once you offer these lines to me, they are mine to imagine whatever I want. Sorry, Bill. Great poem.

williampwright said...

Well said Neil. Well said.