Slide show

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jets streams above

Jets streams above
Sand is cold
Contrasting with the warmth of calm
On a beach with a Spanish name
If it only were a sea
Well past sunset and well short of dawn
Listening to the sounds floating across the calm
A windless night just above the ground
A tableau of perfection on the canvas of reality
Light from the moon casts a silvery glow
Wrapping the world in the gift of the day
The Jets high above tying a bow
Doing so very quietly
The people within unaware
Of their effect on thy memory
Their passage fading yet lingering lightly
The beat of a summer gathering calls
Asking to dance as if in a trace
The shore across reaches inviting
The light sparkles on the silver calm
Children of the moon in the calm of night
A voice from the past touching in the present
The clouds this night are perfection
I thought you love this place
Why would you want to leave?
Is this voice real voicing my thoughts?
The Jets slowly fades
The streams of their bows drift into clouds
Should we go or linger here under the moon
Wanting to bath in the silvery calm embrace
Knowing even perfection must come to an end


Anonymous said...


williampwright said...

Does perfection have depth and or degrees?

Anonymous said...

Beautifull View