Slide show

Friday, May 6, 2011

Anything can be beautifull

Anything can be beautifull
From the sound of waves hitting the shore in a storm
The lighting shooting across a black ski
Thunder calling out in anger
Electricity making the hairs on once arms dance!
Wind pulling one across the water
Fueled by adrenaline
To a rock on the ground
Black against the brown
One among many
Looking lonely and out of place
Yet completing the frame
Or the fold of skin as sweat drips down
Hypnotic as they slid down the skin making trails of salt
Being one of two
For second or two
Connected in a memory
That shatters like glass
From a window of a car
Hit by semi in a crash


Anonymous said...

Silence is hypnotic and beautifully found inside the soul, relax to the sound of a heartbeat

Anonymous said...

Yes it can and some times it is not. And it is very hard to relax to one hurt beat cause that would be the last one!!!

Anonymous said...

what would be the last one?

Anonymous said...

I thinking the heart beat would be the last one and it would hurt...