Slide show

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stylized Perfection

Stylized perfection

A human fantasy
A paradox of desire
A devise to subjectify reality
Factious gods with a righteous pen
Anonymous hypnotic stare
That seems to hold you there
Captured and unable to break free
Aroma of every day
Driving your mind back in time
As the clock chimes
At table designed for two
Single in a couple’s world
Eiffel tower a shadow in the foreground
Foreshadowing the future
A device in Literature
Articulating the art of observation
Sitting in crowed coffee bar
On a street in isolation
The colors blending from fall to summer
From spring to winter and back again
Sitting in one spot
As the world walks be
The Eiffel tower a gigantic sun dial
Standing up and starching
A simple break from the mundane
The ice melting as the leaves turn and fall
Another year gone without fail
Perfection stylized in grey pastels
A human fantasy by numbers
The paradox a distortion of desires
A devise created to subjectify the here and now
Factious writing about virtuous deities
A stare hypnotic on an anonymous face
That holds you captured in one place
A statue suspend high of the ground
The aroma lingers of yesterdays
As the clock chimes counting backwards in time
From grown man to child burning in the womb
At table designed for two

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