Amazing eyes
Seeing everything
Watching through walls
I do swear
Ordinarily deranged
The color indigo azure
Penetrating through cobalt
Catching you unaware
Beware of the gaze
That sees through you
Every molecule that pumps in your veins
Hating you for their wrongs
Blaming you for their sins
Rationalizing you for their indiscretions
Amazing eyes
That change color with the sun
A black hearted soul of fun
A gaze that leaves you undone
Ordinary unhinged
The color of malice black
A hatred that burns like the wind
ly ruthless on everything
A hate that burns from the inside out
Illogical mischievousness that borders chaos
Hating you for their wrongs
Blaming you for their sins
Rationalizing their indiscretions
Amazing eyes
That change color with the dawn
A black hearted soul of fun
A gaze that leaves you undone
Ordinarily disturbed
Ama...ZING! BaZinga!
How does one get amazing eyes?
Laser surgery, Growth hormones, steroids and omnipresent with sainthood……Good question…
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